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A PCM-Based Analysis of the Personality Types of Main Harry Potter Characters
A different and fun way of looking at these characters
Here comes the time for a new post on Process Communication Model (PCM) and my old-time-favourite Harry Potter :).
But, let’s start with the beginning:
Introduction — What is Process Communication Model (PCM)?
PCM is an internationally acclaimed, highly reliable, behaviourally based communication model used to individually tailor connection and motivation and build trust and rapport. PCM profiles reveal a host of insights about how a person perceives the world, how they communicate, how they are motivated and how they will behave in distress. As a valid, reliable and actionable model, PCM answers the “So what? Now what?” questions about how to communicate with different types of people.
PCM conceptualizes personality as being composed of six types, all of which exist within each of us and being arranged like the floors of a condominium (in the USA a name for an apartment building), with our core or “base” type at the bottom, moving up through each floor to the least-accessed trait at the top, or attic. Each floor has unique attributes, including a perceptual frame of reference…